Sunday, 13 November 2016
Rare Super Het-Heru Moon!
Well its that time again and as i'm writing this i'm reflecting on what an abundant time it is to be alive.
With Neptune in its home of Pisces there is definitely a spiritual cleaning taking place which is providing many levels of healing throughout our collective consciousness. With the sun currently in Scorpio making aspect to Chiron (healing) a lot of things that were buried are coming to surface on a physical and metaphysical transformative level. We can no longer mask what is truly going on inside, as its reflecting in our external world in real time. The truth on all levels is being exposed and it's making a lot of people uncomfortable. For others its a great time to make great changes.
A greater force is prompting us to deal with our deeper inner fears, insecurities so we can be our truest, greatest potential.
Yes we will be witnessing a Super moon, the first of it's kind in 68yrs. The moon will be at it's closest proximity to the earth, the first in my lifetime. What does that mean for us earth begins?
The magnetic pull will be stronger than it has been for many years intensifying our emotional bodies whilst providing a release mechanism.
Tomorrow at 13.52pm when the sun is at its most elevated point in the sky(noon), is when the Moon will be most activated in Taurus and although this moon will affect everyone under it, its pull will have a stronger internal effects on Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius. It places emphasis on finances, real estate, sexual partners, joint partners and the things we love to do.
The sun is currently transiting through the underworld star group of Scorpio shedding light on everything hidden down there whilst the Moon is reflecting and releasing this through its deep level of subconscious transformation and healing. We are witnessing the energies of an Unseen Feminine force working together in the cosmos.
As we are a reflection of this Macro universe be sure that it is happening to us on a micro level. The feminine energy is at its peak.
This full moon is everything to do with the Goddess Het- Heru on her seat of creativity, love and sexuality. She governs the Laws of Attraction, the gateway to sensuality and how we use the creative faculties of our minds to build secure foundations for the future.
With Chiron and Pluto in the mix there is a level of understanding that we shouldn't be ashamed of our past wounds and our scars as they are key to accessing our powers within. They hold with them emotional memories. We cannot build on rocky foundations more so we need to use these experiences to remind us of the inner work we have done so far and allow it to catapult us to our visions. What we feel is everything to do with manifestation.
Taurus and Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius are all fixed signs, which means whatever visions formalised under these energies can stand the test of time. They are the 4 pillars that firmly holds our creations in place and as we are in the age of Aquarius, it requires the assistance of its other 3 fixed signs to activate its truest vibration. The pillars of stability and security. Elements that we need to seek within ourselves.
I say this with so much gratitude and passion as i truly understand that, when you align yourself with the celestial energy you can utilize it to harness into the terrestrial reality anything you desire/require on your path.
However it's important to know your cosmic role. Too many people are doing things out of there cosmic DNA and not getting the results they want because they are not aligned with that which they THINK they should be doing.
We are stellar gods/goddesses. Play out your true role. There is no mistaking that you know your role by the way it makes you feel, start manifesting what you truly are.
Its the law of correspondence at play. And this Full Moon is another reminder that we are given the opportunity to release and rewire everyday, take what you need or let go of what isn't needed from this full moon energy. Its here to assist you!
Have a beautiful Het Heru Full Moon.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Mercury Retrograde ~ Solar Eclipse ~ Attention!
So it's the night of a interesting Solar Eclipse and 2 days into Mercury Retro.
Double Whammy indeed!
The Solar Eclipse took place this morning (BST) in the sign of Virgo for all you Virgos and Leos that have just been celebrating your birthday. This ones for you. Deep Breath.
Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini and Virgo. When it is in Retrograde to us on earth it looks as though it is reversing right past us going in a backward motion. Either that or we just stepped on the accelerator and speeded past it.
One way or the other the motion of the planet has shifted and in effect we feel the electromagnetic shift materialise here on earth.
Gemini is represented as the twins in cosmology. Mercury is a mental, electrical planet. Deals with traveling, commuting, thinking, writing, speaking, electronics etc. If there is a time when things can be seen to be misunderstood then it's NOW. Technology phones and all electrical devices start playing up. Back up important files! (Message to Self).
Things may not be as clear right now. A lot of cloudy illusions and misinterpreted observations. You may have to revisit a lot of things from your past at this time. This is a time to go back with the planet and re-evaluate, redo, reorganize, remove and re focus yourself.
Note: Don't take anything on face value during this phase either. Pay more attention to the detail. Especially with this eclipse energy. One thing to know about the energy of eclipses is you will tend to see the effects of them 6months after they have happened. What you think or do today and tomorrow can have strong impacts into your spring 2017. Sounds a long way away but the impacts of an Eclipse are so powerful it forces us back into focus. Just like the expression 'Tough Love'
Better still you could think back to what arose 6 months ago from the last Solar Eclipse in March. You may find a common link.
What I must say is all this energy is fueled up by mars for the next few days, Mars is accident prone. It's the official "Go Get It" planet. Act first think later. You may notice a lot more accidents.
Be mindful. Be Safe.
So it's not common for me to read news but i had to add this as it was a instant reflection of this potent energy.
The retrograde came in August 30th. Exactly the day after an accident (mars) involving a lady and a young boy and two twins caught my attention, where they were all involved in a car crash (mercury retrograde) in London.
Unfortunately the lady and young boy involved in the crash died. However the 13 year old TWINS (Gemini) survived the accident when 20 bystanders used their power to lift the car, releasing them from the wreckage. RIP to the beautiful young souls that didn't make it.
Now this may not seem like a story to go under astrological observation but what needs to be understood is Energy Expresses itself through matter in real time.
All the common denominators are highlighted in this tragic story. It is a cosmic reflection of what is happening planetary. It's all light manifested into matter returning back to light. The language of the Cosmos.
On a more reflective angle, use this time to understand the energy and move with it. There is no bad or good planet ~ just vibrations.
Clear your mind, slow down and centre yourself light beings.
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
New Moon in LEO baby!
So we are almost half way through Leo season and today at 9.44pm the moon will join with the sun at 10 degrees Leo. Love Love Love!
This new moon focuses and emphasizes on Expression! Self expression to be precise. If there is anytime to focus on creatively expressing yourself then its for the next 28 days. What is your creative trademark? What do you love to do? Well now's a good time to put it out there. This can be in your work life or in your personal life. Whichever one, just make sure you have fun doing it. The magnetic pull of the moon combined with creative force of the sun acts in union to magnify any pursuits you want to focus your attention on ( especially related to work, being they are trine Saturn).
With mars just coming out of retrograde (which looks like it is traveling backwards) in Scorpio, yes there have been some pretty intense energies around especially in relationships and even with finances. With it now moving forward again we can use all that intensity being built up since April and rocket it to make some big moves.
It's really time to start solidifying goals which have took a back seat for a while and breathing life into them. I can't really emphasize enough how important timing is when you see alignments that are there to assist you in creating and manifesting your goals. It's an ancient science that our ancestors worked with so well. There is a celestial vortex that opens up and all you have to do is be present when it does. There is a time to move, there's a time to chill, theres a time to speak out and there's a time to be silent. Right now it's time to fall in love (with yourself first) and see what ideas you can give life to. Be in
alignment with yourself. Create a new you. And be the centre of your own attention! Unapologetically!
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
Full Moon @ 27 Degrees Capricorn ~ Cold Waters ~
There is a lot to learn from this full moon the most important one is how we are currently operating our emotional bodies. There has been so much taking place on a global level lately that has forced us to only work with the most animalistic parts of of brains. The part from which we are in flight or flight mode. And in some cases this is not an issue, it's part of our survival. However theres a crucial point that needs to be understood.
We can not be receptive and creative when we are in survival mode (fight or flight). Knowing and understanding what is taking place on an emotional level and checking in on ourselves is vital during these times where a lot of global issues are surfacing and old paradigms begin to collapse.
We are embracing many changes and there is so much work to be done on a mass level, but we need emotional stability in self first in order to achieve what we set out to achieve. Emotions are the glue between thoughts and manifestation. The universe responds by how you feel not what you think!
So with that said we have a couple more days of understanding and tuning back in to what our emotions are telling us about ourselves before the sun enters Leo. Releasing emotions that are not ours and becoming receptive to what the greater intelligence is about to offer us!
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Black Vegans Rock: Feature ~ Nai Davina
I had the pleasure of featuring on the official Black Vegans Rock website this week. Amazing to share the platform with so many others who have been on a similar Vegan journey. Here is the un-editd version if you missed it. Njoy!
‘It’s been 9 years since i ate my last meat based meal and i haven’t looked back since.’
My name is Nai (Naomi) and becoming vegan? Well that was a journey, a very isolating but super rewarding one. Being a dancer/teacher at the time and understanding the importance of what was going on in my body should have been the main reason for this revolutionary movement taking place inside me. But it wasn’t.
It all started on a trip to Egypt, i was currently reading a book which spoke on diets and particular foods, which are harmful to the body of people from black and ethnic backgrounds and also the principles of a yogic lifestyle, something i was very attracted too as one of my passions was to become a yoga teacher and to incorporate what i do with young people and my peers, into my daily work regime, organically. My mother became really ill from a young age and apart of watching her experience made me even more health conscious. Somewhere between the knowledge i gained and being on such an amazing highly energetic part of the earth, i had a light bulb moment.
Although it was a physical mental and spiritual transition, i found something in my later stages that made this transition very easy for me. The effects it was having on our globe, the state of the food industry and the depths of what was taking place in these slaughter houses.
I planned just for one week to cut meat out of my diet, more for a cleansing exercise i was doing with Queen Afua’s book Sacred Woman. 9 years later and i’m proudly writing this for Black Vegans Rock!
What a liberating feeling i got from letting go of something i knew was no good for me and that everyone was telling me was just a phrase, “you won’t survive”. A couple months into my transition the questions started “why you doing this? what you going to eat? where you gonna get protein from?. And yet i knew these questions and statements made no sense but at the time they were questions i didn’t confidently have answers too, all i knew was it felt as though there was a switch in me that permanently went off. Almost like it wasn’t my call. As if something greater than me said ’Nai times up!’ All urges and cravings for meat, chicken, fish, dairy and even sugar disappeared. I stepped into a new world and my whole perspective on life changed.
I’ve made room in my body and life and the energy i embody is super charged. My body is in its natural flow. The bounce in my step has way more spring than before, my nervous system makes sure my immunity is on point and them skin issues, well they packed up and left.
My kitchen and i became best friends. I love creating dishes that when tasted, leaves an essence of complete satisfaction. No meat necessary! Even Grandma loves a nice Vegan Caribbean Saturday Soup every now and again.
My work with young people and the wider community in areas such as history, dance yoga and health continue to be based around my experiences. My personal journey has allowed me to expand and assist others on their journey to elevating their highest potential.
“Its a personal trip you embark on with yourself. Not for approval, not for recognition. Every thing you put in your body is reflected in your physical reality, in your thought process, in your emotional body. Its all interrelated. If you’re gonna eat why not Eat to Live and Eat for Life… Find your balance, listen to your body and just flow!
Saturday, 9 July 2016
Black Vegans Rock: Feature ~ Nai Davina
I had the pleasure of featuring on the official Black Vegans Rock website this week. Amazing to share the platform with so many others who have been on a similar Vegan journey. Here is the un-editd version if you missed it. Njoy!
‘It’s been 9 years since i ate my last meat based meal and i haven’t looked back since.’
My name is Nai (Naomi) and becoming vegan? Well that was a journey, a very isolating but super rewarding one. Being a dancer/teacher at the time and understanding the importance of what was going on in my body should have been the main reason for this revolutionary movement taking place inside me. But it wasn’t.
It all started on a trip to Egypt, i was currently reading a book which spoke on diets and particular foods, which are harmful to the body of people from black and ethnic backgrounds and also the principles of a yogic lifestyle, something i was very attracted too as one of my passions was to become a yoga teacher and to incorporate what i do with young people and my peers, into my daily work regime, organically. My mother became really ill from a young age and apart of watching her experience made me even more health conscious. Somewhere between the knowledge i gained and being on such an amazing highly energetic part of the earth, i had a light bulb moment.
Although it was a physical mental and spiritual transition, i found something in my later stages that made this transition very easy for me. The effects it was having on our globe, the state of the food industry and the depths of what was taking place in these slaughter houses.
I planned just for one week to cut meat out of my diet, more for a cleansing exercise i was doing with Queen Afua’s book Sacred Woman. 9 years later and i’m proudly writing this for Black Vegans Rock!
What a liberating feeling i got from letting go of something i knew was no good for me and that everyone was telling me was just a phrase, “you won’t survive”. A couple months into my transition the questions started “why you doing this? what you going to eat? where you gonna get protein from?. And yet i knew these questions and statements made no sense but at the time they were questions i didn’t confidently have answers too, all i knew was it felt as though there was a switch in me that permanently went off. Almost like it wasn’t my call. As if something greater than me said ’Nai times up!’ All urges and cravings for meat, chicken, fish, dairy and even sugar disappeared. I stepped into a new world and my whole perspective on life changed.
I’ve made room in my body and life and the energy i embody is super charged. My body is in its natural flow. The bounce in my step has way more spring than before, my nervous system makes sure my immunity is on point and them skin issues, well they packed up and left.
My kitchen and i became best friends. I love creating dishes that when tasted, leaves an essence of complete satisfaction. No meat necessary! Even Grandma loves a nice Vegan Caribbean Saturday Soup every now and again.
My work with young people and the wider community in areas such as history, dance yoga and health continue to be based around my experiences. My personal journey has allowed me to expand and assist others on their journey to elevating their highest potential.
“Its a personal trip you embark on with yourself. Not for approval, not for recognition. Every thing you put in your body is reflected in your physical reality, in your thought process, in your emotional body. Its all interrelated. If you’re gonna eat why not Eat to Live and Eat for Life… Find your balance, listen to your body and just flow!
Monday, 4 July 2016
Sirius-lly aligned on the 4th of July...
Today marks a very super charged powerful day. No not because it's Independence Day for our fellow Americans, but we see where they get the concept from...
Today is Sirius alignment day. What does that mean. The binary star system will be in direct alignment with our Sun, which will be in alignment with our Earth. It happens every year. On top of that there will be a New Moon in Cancer... That's a whole lot of energy right there. You can almost feel the heat charging from our Galactic star (Sun). Well you could this morning :-)
In simple there is a central sun behind our sun sending some cosmically radiant energy onto our planet today.
Anyway make you some new goals, set some new aims and most importantly take care of how you feel.
Plug yourself in, charge up and have a Sirius-lly Abundant day!
Saturday, 2 April 2016
"When we learn to find balance in the Mind, the Body will follow"
Don't Forget this Saturday another session of Afrikan Yoga with Nai Davina!!! Only 4 Weeks Left... See you there!
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