So we have a solar
eclipse in Pisces. There's so much going on with this new moon
eclipse but before I go into looking into this vibration in more
depth I want to take a minute to shout out all you dreamy Pisceans
out there.
If there was ever a
time for you to delve into the depths of your imagination, where your
dreams live and pull them through to make them a reality, it would be
But wait! There are
a few things that should be addressed first and it stems beyond what
you think you want and more in alignment of what you really need.
Solar eclipses are
represented by the sun and the moon conjoined together in the sky
renewing the electromagnetic vibrational frequency of the earth. Yes
we should take a minute to say Thank You!
Not only are the sun
and moon together again but we have Neptune (Visions) Chiron
(healing) and Mercury (thoughts) also joining in on this celestial
party of Renewal.
We need to take a
look at what is occupying our higher minds during this time. What are
we storing up there? Is it assisting us on the path of healing and
growth? or just adding to the outdated false
programs we have built up
about ourselves stored in the subconscious parts of our minds, being
projected out consistently as our truth.
Pisces is the last star constellation before we start off the Spring New Year, which
also carries the theme of endings and new beginnings. These new
beginnings are almost fated. Like when you think you really WANT
something but the universe keeps conspiring to give you exactly what
you NEED. That's unconditional love right there. There's a level of
healing that needs to take place before we can delve deep into our
unlimited potential. In order to do so we need to restore that love
within the self first, find our truth and don't be afraid to live by
This eclipse has
everything to do with how we love on a higher universal unconditional
level. Divine love that is. That unconditional love that allows your
heart to pump nearly 2000 gallons of blood around the body every
single day without a please or thank you. That type of love that does
without acknowledgment. That's that Piscean love. The highest octave
of Venus.
Eclipses usually
have a 3 – 6 month effect on our consciousness before they even set
in and could last up to a year. The energy emitted around this time
is long lasting and has substantial influence on the areas that are
being highlighted either just before the eclipse or just after by way
of an event.
What has been the
theme up until this point? Lets take it back betweeen 7 – 10 days
prior to today. Or even looking back at the events of the lunar
eclipse earlier this month. In answering that question you will have
insight into what the universe is conspiring for you to take a
further look into to work through in order to shed it's light on new
The key here is not
to fear letting go, not to fear the unknown and building healthy
boundaries for self first. In doing so we could potentially miss out
on great opportunities. Think Big! Think New! Set new Intentions for
yourself and most importantly move into the direction of your
imagination and express your dreams.
are so many things we can do.
can taste you can touch you can make moves.
use your imagination.
are creation.
you can’t
can show you who you are.
see you.
see your empire.
see you so much higher.
time to grow baby.
your imagination.
all perception my love.
is how we read it.
are more than we think.
you see?
am of the All,
the All is of me.
Have a Beautiful New
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